Student and Research Prizes

Are you a student working on maritime history? Apply for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate prizes.

New Researchers Conference

Research degree students and independent scholars are warmly encouraged to share their work at our annual New Researchers Conference.

Undergraduate Prizes: 
Undergraduate Achievement in Maritime History


The British Commission awards a small number of £75 prizes each year for undergraduate dissertations in the broad field of maritime history. The Commission’s aims are to encourage students to pursue maritime questions in their final year research, and to reward the best of that work.

Subjects eligible for consideration reflect the Commission’s view of maritime history as a wide-ranging discipline. It includes topics such as shipping, seafaring, ports, seapower, maritime labour, coastal communities, trade, exploration, shipbuilding, navigation, and fishing, and embraces a wide range of political, economic, social, technological and cultural approaches.

Nominations must be made by Heads of Department or equivalent, and the closing date for entries is 1 August in each year. Final year dissertations awarded first class marks are eligible for consideration. Project work will also be considered where extensive use is made of primary evidence, and where the portfolio includes an extended piece of writing.

To make a nomination please complete the Undergraduate Prize Form and upload the necessary documents here.

Congratulations to our 2022 prize winners!

Taylan Campbell  (University of Aberdeen), Boyd Cable and his Aberdeen Clippers
Maria Cunningham (UCL), ‘More than Concrete’: Investigating the Preservation of WWII Coastal Defences on the South-East Coast of England
Jack Jenner  (University of Oxford), International Shipping through South-West Wales using Evidence from Port Books, 1550-1603
Laura Jones  (University of Plymouth), ‘Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’: A Study of the Injuries Sustained by the Pensioners of the Chatham Chest, 1793-4
Andrew Marris  (University of York), ‘That great sheet-anchor of our hope’: Naval Patriotism, Representation and Commemoration, 1800-1840
Lucas Pangaro  (University of Cambridge), Convict Resistance on Prison Hulks in Britain, 1776-1794




For further information, please contact the Hon Secretary.