Annual Scottish Maritime History Conference

Posted: Friday 15th September 2023

Annual Scottish Maritime History Conference

Date: 18-19 October 2023

Location: Glasgow

Evening Lecture - 18 October

18:00 - Yudowitz Seminar Room 1, Wolfson Medical School, University of Glasgow, University Avenue

Professor Stig Tenold (Norwegian School of Economics)

Black  gold - Norwegian  maritime  companies  during  the  transformation  from  worldwide  shipping  to  North  Sea  Oil

Drinks reception 19:00

Conference Programme - 19 October 

Moir Dyer Room, Mitchell Library, North Street, Glasgow

10.00am Welcome

Prof. Ray Stokes (Centre for Business History in Scotland, University of Glasgow)

10.05 Session 1 - Chair: Dr Christopher Miller (University of Glasgow)

Louise Sanger (Lloyd’s Register Foundation, Heritage and Education Centre)

Rewriting Women into Maritime History

Professor Andrew Lambert (King’s College, London)

Civil engineering in the service of strategy: The harbours and roads of John Rennie, Thomas Telford and James Walker

11.00 Coffee/Tea

11.30 Session 2 - Chair: Prof. Stig Tenold (Norwegian School of Economics)

Bill Lindsay (Independent Historian)

The court case in 1855 that nearly ruined Scott & Co shipbuilders

Elizabeth Allen (Tall Ship Glenlee Trust)

The Mysterious Years of the Tall Ship Glenlee, 1920-1922

Judith Siegel (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)

A maritime knowledge labyrinth, 1900-1936: How the Dutch shipbuilding industry tried to find its way through a myriad of emerging maritime knowledge organizations

13:00 Lunch

14:00 Session 3 - Chair: Professor Niall McKenzie (University of Glasgow)

Dr Nina Baker (Independent Historian)

‘Human Spiders Spin and Spin’: The Scottish ropemaking industry in transition from the age of sail to the age of steam.

Professor Alan McKinlay (University of Newcastle Business School) and Dr William Knox (University of St Andrews)

A philosopher in overalls: Harry McShane, work and politics

15.00 Coffee/Tea

15-30-16-30 Session 4 - Chair: Professor Andrew Perchard (University of Otago)

Professor Faye Hammill (University of Glasgow)
‘Our big white fairy godmother’: Canadian Pacific's Empress of Britain (1930) in literature and culture

Professor Bruce Peter (Glasgow School of Art)

Art Deco in Scotland: links between the design of liner interiors and architectural work ashore between 1925 and 1939

16.30 Closing Remarks, Professor Hugh Murphy (University of Glasgow and National Maritime Museum, Greenwich

Registration for the conference is open until 10 October

To register to book your place please email or