Naval Dockyards Society 26th Annual Conference

Posted: Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Naval Dockyards Society 26th Annual Conference

Dockyards as nodes of naval architecture, maritime traditions and cultural heritage

National Museum of the Royal Navy Portsmouth 9-11 June 2022

Conference sponsored by the Society for Nautical Research


This 3-day hybrid international conference will present 6 speakers and a plenary session each day, probing these topics & themes

Keynote speakers Sir Neil Cossons OBE FSA, Professor Andrew Lambert FKC & Dr Antony Firth MCIfA

The Naval Dockyards Society 26th Annual Conference marks 25 years since NDS was constituted

1.     Thursday 9 June 2022 Building a warship

Ship design: master shipwrights, naval architects

Recovering skills: repairing historic sailing ships and building replica ships/boats

Trades and crafts

Sourcing matériel

Construction methods

Time-work-discipline, work organisation

Private yard/royal dockyard comparison

2. Friday 10 June 2022 Dockyards as heritage

Museum spaces or working dockyard spaces?

Fossilised or living archive of dockyard structures?

Conservation issues

Tourism: costs and benefits

Repurposed dockyards as exemplars of regeneration

3.     Sat 11 June 2022 Dockyards as global hubs and regional centres of maritime culture

Transnational phenomena

Drivers of innovation and technology

Loci of national power projection

Unique urban landscapes

Distinct demographic communities

  • ‘Naval architecture’ encompasses the characteristics of dockyard structures and adjacent artisanal housing, as well as ship design. Ship timbers reused in dockyards create both tangible and intangible circles.
  • ‘Nodes’ are entanglements, central points in a complex or system.

Behind the scences tours

Optional specialist behind-the-scenes archive, ship, dockyard and harbour tours in the afternoons of 9 & 10 June 2022 will be advertised separately when finalised, such as the Admiralty Library Naval Historical Branch Reading Room - Georgian Dockyard Walking Tour - Boathouse 4 - Harbour Tour - HMS Warrior - HMS Victory - some free, others chargeable.

Please find full details and booking form attached


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Facebook: NavalDockyardsSociety